Archive for March, 2013


“poems could be fun too!”

March 30, 2013

I recently received this wonderful mail, in which the young upcoming author Parinita Shetty had this to say about The Fried Frog:

“Her book, The Fried Frog and other funny freaky foodie feisty poems, was the first poetry book I read that I actually enjoyed. Before that, I disliked poetry with a passion because either the poems went way over my head (and made me feel stupid) or were utterly boring (and put me to sleep). Her book was the first one to show me that poems could be fun too!

I completely credit her for getting my head out of the I-hate-poetry-in-all-its-forms phase and I’ve discovered so many brilliant poems ever since!”


Dirty Love

March 13, 2013

My new collection of short stories about Bombay is out from Penguin!

Dirty Love books



Return of The Fried Frog

March 7, 2013

I’ve lost count of the number of schools I’ve read at over the last few years. Haven’t had the time to document them. But today was extra special, at the Udayachal School in Vikhroli, Mumbai. Incredible kids, who gave me a ‘welcome’ and ‘thank you’ in poetry and song that made my jaw drop, such energy and laughter and intelligence in the atmosphere, all these 10 year-olds and their teachers loving every minute of the poetry, so much so, that I felt newly charged, as I do every time I encounter the young uns for whom The Fried Frog was originally written, way back in 2009 (and it delights me to say – reprinted several times since – those who still say poetry doesn’t sell, no one reads it, should come to a few schools with me!). Here, then, are a few photos of the event.









Both my novels

March 4, 2013

Rupture and Land of the Well can be ordered by those living in the US, HK and Singapore at South Asia Books